Monday, December 06, 2010
Postponement of This Week's Questions
Dear all we apologize for the delay. This is to inform you all that this week's quiz has been deferred due to unavoidable circumstances. We will continue posting new quizzes from next week onwards.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Sunday Quiz: 04
Hey All,
Its Sunday night again and the end of yet another scintillating weekend. However just as all good things come to an end so did this one. Work starts tomorrow and to keep you occupied with some quiz dose here is the next set of the meaner and tougher "The Sunday Quiz".
Remember, a correct answer today will earn you 2 QP points and will take you closer to winning goodies from Quiz-o-pedia. All the very best!
There is a central theme connecting the answers of today's quiz. Identify the Theme to earn an extra 5 QP points.
The Sunday Quiz: 04
1. This open source project developed by, was established in 2000 and it derives its name from a literary character. It provides search engine plugins for web browsers. Name me the project.
2. Who's being commemorated in the given stamp of Austria?
3. This railway station in Manchester England is said to have contributed to the naming of a popular literary figure. Identify me the station or the place.
4. Identify the song. What did it inspire?
5. This American stage, theatre and film actor has a star on the hollywood walk of fame. In a career spanning over four decades he was most popularly associated as being the voice of an immensely popular character on television during the late 1970s. Identify the character.
6. The follwing are the guidelines followed for something. Identify.
- To be written under a pseudonym.
- To be of a predictable length.
- To always be a part of a series.
- To begin with a quick recap.
- Might also end with a preview of the next volume in the series.
- To be priced at 50 cents.
- Characters should not age or marry.
7. A simple connect!!
8. The person in the picture is the father of a famous writer and the grandfather of a reknowned film maker. He had created a children's periodical publication that eventually launched an extremely popular Indian literary character in the mid 1960s. Identify this person.
That's All Folks!
Post your answers as comments to this post and we shall tell you next week, about how well you faired. Keep visiting this space for more of interesting gyaan and trivia.
Have a splendid week ahead.
Happy Quizzing!!
Team Quiz-o-pedia
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Saturday Quiz: 04
Hey All,
With yet another weekend up for the grabs, here is a set of 10 questions to keep your grey matter occupied over the next week.
Post your answers as comments to this post and the cumulative winner can win cool goodies from Quiz-o-pedia. Remember each right answer on Saturdays will earn you 1 QP point and inch you closer to victory.
Winners and Leader board for last week will be uploaded tomorrow. All the best!
The Saturday Quiz: 04
1. The follwing program is based on an algorithm to solve a very famous puzzle. This puzzle was once estimated to have been played by more than 1/5th of the world's population?
2. Identify the person in this mugshot?
3. Connect the pictures in A to what is being represented in B.
4. Identify the group. There is one person missing in here who completes this list of being the founder of an online file sharing revolution.
5. In the present context of developments between India and China, what are the 56th and 71st division?
6. If "Twist And Shout" came second and "Let It Be" came third, what came first?
7. One of the longest runs on television finally comes to an end. Identify the show in question?
8. Identify this clan. These guys have popped back into news off late in a bigger fashion.
9. What relationship does this aquatic animal have with India.
10. Their is a wide spread international campaign since 2010 to save this lady by her children. She has been awarded a one of a kind punishment. Identify her and name me the event. The second picture may provide you with a context.
That all folks!
Keep watching this space for more such mind f**k questions, and cling onto your quizzing skills for the meaner and tougher "The Sunday Quiz", to be hosted tomorrow.
Happy Quizzing!!
Team Quiz-o-pedia
Monday, November 22, 2010
Answer to The Sunday Quiz: 03
Hey All,
Its been an awesome week, and here we have the answers for last week's The Sunday Quiz.
The first ever theme of Quiz-o-pedia would have went uncracked, though Saket Ranjan did it again and got the theme BINGO!! Congrats Saket, we have updated the leader board, so check out where does your name feature.
Grand Theme:
Answers to The Sunday Quiz: 03
1. A ____________ is an electronic device powered by a source other than a battery, it converts the electric source to a allowed DC voltage that may be used by another device which is designed to be powered by batteries.
Ans: Battery eliminator
Connection to Theme: Motorola started in Chicago, Illinois as Galvin Manufacturing Corporation (at 847 West Harrison Street) in 1928, with its first product being a battery eliminator.
2. Identify the occasion which is commemorated on the stamp.
Ans: First Man on Moon 1969 Issue 10c
Connection to Theme: In 1969, Neil Armstrong spoke the famous words "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" from the Moon on a Motorola Radio.
3. Who is this gentleman. He is considered The Father of a revolutionary business management strategy.
Ans: Bill Smith - Father of Six Sigma
Connection to Theme: In 1986, Motorola invented the Six Sigma quality improvement process. This became a global standard.
4. Post WWII Company X regrouped and began to provide Japan with radios, appliances and bicycles. The owner's brother-in-law, founded Y as a subcontractor for components. Y grew to become a competitor to X. Identify X and Y.
Ans: X - Panasonic, Y - Sanyo
Connection to Theme: In 1974, Motorola divested itself of its television and radio-manufacturing division, which included the popular Quasar brand of electronics. This division was acquired by Matsushita, already well-known under its Panasonic brand in North America, where it was looking to expand.
5. Identify the group.
Ans: A picture of the official Mac Design Team taken by Norman Seeff for Rolling Stone, in the lobby of Bandley 3. From left to right, it's George Crow, Joanna Hoffman, Burrell Smith, Andy Hertzfeld, Bill Atkinson and Jerry Mannock.
Connection to Theme: The 68000 family of microprocessors manufactured by Motorola are used in Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Color Computer, and Apple Macintosh personal computers.
Ans: Explorer 1 Satellite
Connection to theme: Beginning in 1958 with Explorer 1, Motorola provided radio equipment for most NASA space-flights for decades including during the 1969 moon landing. A year later, it established a subsidiary to conduct licensing and manufacturing for international markets.
7. X in today's world are considered a type of electronic waste, regarded as one of the hardest type to recycle. They have high content of phosphorous and lead, both of which are necessary for the display, which lead to to difficult disposing process. Identify X.
Ans: Cathode Ray Tube (CRTs)
Connection to Theme: In 1963, Motorola, which had very successfully begun making televisions in 1947 introduced the world's first truly rectangular color TV picture tube which quickly became the industry standard.
8. Identify this super fast sportsman.
Ans: Robby Gordon of NASCAR
Connection to Theme: Sponsored by Motorola
Ans: Bell Laboratories
Connection to Theme: The first cellular phone was the culmination of efforts begun at Bell Labs, which first proposed the idea of a cellular system in 1947, and continued to petition the FCC for channels through the 1950s and 1960s, and research conducted at Motorola.
Ans: Atari ST PC
Connection to Theme: Same as Question 5
Congratulations to all those who cracked the questions right.
Happy Quizzing and wishing you a great week ahead!!
Team Quiz-o-pedia
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Saturday Quiz: 03 (Answers)
Hi all,
The answers to the last week's quizzes are uploaded in the blog itself. Winners will be shortly updated on leader board.
Answers to The Saturday Quiz: 03
1. Simple one to start with. Connect the following pictures.
Ans. To quote Saket, "a.1st mention of the term in Argosy magazine. b.Conspiracy theory behind disappearance of Flight 19--group of five TBM Avenger fighter-bombers of the U.S. Navy in the Bermuda Triangle. c. Poster of the 1979 movie "The Bermuda Triangle""
2. Identify this gentleman. His name is a "Riddle".
Ans. Ralph Fiennes - The actor who portrayed Tom Marvolo Riddle or popularly Lord Voldemort.
3. Where would you find these sad faces. Print Campaign.

Ans. The losers campaign in the "in flight" magazine of Indigo Airlines.
4. Identify this person, his life and death represents the realities of "Reality TV".
Ans. Lakshman Prasad Ahirwar, The man for Jhansi, MP who committed suicide after being humiliated in the controversial show "Rakhi ka Insaaf" on NDTV Imagine.
5. Connect the first three pictures to an honour currently with the last movie.
Ans. Movies named after the all the above personalities(Gandhi, 1982; Amadeus, 1985; Hamlet, 1948) have won the Academy Award for the Best Picture, the title that currently rests on "The Hurt Locker".
6. Ad for?
Ans. Mentos by Pefetti VanMelle
7. Identify this founder of an international following.
Lord Baden Powell of the International Scouts and Guides fame.
8. What's so special about this edition.
Ans. The first Braille edition of Palayboy Magazine, 1970.
8. In the recent turn of Indo-American Relationship, solve this equation, if "A:B::C:D". Identify D.

10. Easy one to end as well. Identify the logo.
Ans. Airtel
Congratulations to all those who cracked the question successfully.
A new set of questions are uploaded now. Leader board will be updated tomorrow.
Happy Quizzing!
Team Quiz-o-pedia
Sunday, November 07, 2010
The Sunday Quiz: 02
Hey All,
Here comes another Sunday and here we are with the next "The Sunday Quiz" with as promised a lot meaner and stranger questions. The results and the leaderboard have been updated, kindly check on the comments section of "The Sunday Quiz: 01" for the answers to last week. Remember you earn 2 QP points with each right answer today.
All the best!!
The Sunday Quiz: 02
1. Connect with something from the world of technology.
2. What do these images represent?
3. X was preceded by the first person and succeeded by the second. Identify X.
4. A great man connects all of them. Give me the name.
5. Identify the logo. The colors throw a great hint.
6. Advertisement for?
7. Identify the character.
9. Who wrote this and when?
10. Advertisement For? (Download link is provided below in case the embedded video doesn't respond)
That's all folks!!
Kindly put your answers as comments to the post. Results and solutions will be updated next week.
Keep answering more and more questions to win some cool goodies from Quiz-o-pedia.
Happy Quizzing!
Team Quiz-o-pedia
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