Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Saturday Quiz: 04

Hey All,

With yet another weekend up for the grabs, here is a set of 10 questions to keep your grey matter occupied over the next week.

Post your answers as comments to this post and the cumulative winner can win cool goodies from Quiz-o-pedia. Remember each right answer on Saturdays will earn you 1 QP point and inch you closer to victory.

Winners and Leader board for last week will be uploaded tomorrow. All the best!

The Saturday Quiz: 04

1. The follwing program is based on an algorithm to solve a very famous puzzle. This puzzle was once estimated to have been played by more than 1/5th of the world's population?

2. Identify the person in this mugshot?

3. Connect the pictures in A to what is being represented in B.



4. Identify the group. There is one person missing in here who completes this list of being the founder of an online file sharing revolution.

5. In the present context of developments between India and China, what are the 56th and 71st division?

6. If "Twist And Shout" came second and "Let It Be" came third, what came first?

7. One of the longest runs on television finally comes to an end. Identify the show in question?

8. Identify this clan. These guys have popped back into news off late in a bigger fashion.

9. What relationship does this aquatic animal have with India.

10. Their is a wide spread international campaign since 2010 to save this lady by her children. She has been awarded a one of a kind punishment. Identify her and name me the event. The second picture may provide you with a context.

That all folks!

Keep watching this space for more such mind f**k questions, and cling onto your quizzing skills for the meaner and tougher "The Sunday Quiz", to be hosted tomorrow.

Happy Quizzing!!

Team Quiz-o-pedia


  1. A9. Ganges River Dolphin is the National Aquatic Animal of India

  2. A3. Even though the beatles were extended an invitation to perform at the Woodstock Music & Art Fair (which is the 2nd poster), they declined to perform at the event.

  3. 1. Kociemba’s Algorithm, It is used to solve rubic cube.
    2. Jimi Hendrix
    3. Poster B is of Woodstock Festival held in 1969. The beatles declined the invitation to perform in the festivel.
    4. Scribd founders (Trip Adler, George Consagra, Jared Friedman,Tikhon Bernstam).
    5. These are the two new army mountain divisions will be deployed in Nagaland and Assam.
    6. The Beatles first album was "The Beatles".
    7. As the World Turns
    8. Somalian Pirates
    9. In India Dolphin has been declared as a national aquatic animal.
    10. The lady is Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.She has been under sentence of death by stoning in Iran.

  4. 1. Rubik's Cube
    2. Jimi Hendrix
    3. Bands and Artists who declined to be a part of Woodstock
    4. Piratebay founders
    5. Indian troop reinforcements to protect further penetration of Chinese forces into Arunachal Pradesh
    7. Ready Steady Cook
    8. Somali Pirates
    9. The Ganges River Dolphin, a fresh water dolphin and is an endangered specie
    10. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who was sentenced to death by stoning
